【华人头条南北卡阿紫报道】近日,美国北卡罗来纳州的堪贝尔大学( Campbell University)迎来了北卡华人企业家协会(NCCBA)和美中经济文化协会(CAECA)代表团,应堪贝尔大学执行校长 Dr. John Roberson博士的邀请进行了一场意义深远的首次回访。这一次回访不仅标志着教育与文化交流的进一步深化,而且凸显了双方在未来合作方面的共同热望。
因为时间和地理的关系,这次访问的是堪贝尔Campbell U大学主校园,从北卡首府罗利(Raleigh NC)开车40多分钟即抵达。而堪贝尔Campbell U大学法学院就在罗利。这次华人代表团没有参访堪贝尔大学著名法学院和医学院。
堪贝尔大学组织了一支由高层领导构成的欢迎代表团,以表达对此次北卡华人社区代表团首次来访 的重视。该代表团包括常务副校长兼首席运营官Dr. John Roberson、学术事务和教务长Borree P. Kwok女士、创立工程学院的院长Jenna Carpenter博士、伦迪-费特曼商学院的行政院长Kevin O’Mara博士、全球参与院长Donna Waldron博士、药学与健康科学学院的制药与临床科学院长Charles A. Carter博士, 国际事务总监Guy Armstrong以及Edward Fubara博士, Ms. Renee Green, Michael Adams博士, Dr. Michael Siebreck博士,Dr. Mark Moore博士, Dwayne Wilson博士 等。这支团队的高规格组成彰显了堪贝尔大学对双方合作关系的承诺和热情。
堪贝尔大学执行校长兼首席运营官Dr. John Roberson亲自介绍了大学的基本情况,并在会议室内进行了深入的座谈交流。双方就教育合作主题进行了充分的讨论,展现了双方积极合作、共同进步的强烈愿望。
Lundy-Fetterman商学院-院长Kevin O’Mara院长不仅详尽地介绍了商学院的发展和教育项目,还对两个协会的到来表示热烈欢迎,并表达了学院对于双边合作的重视。他重点介绍了堪贝尔大学商学院的特色项目包括该校拥有美国首个本科信托与财富管理课程,以及全美仅有的17个PGA高尔夫管理专业之一。
代表团参观了制药与健康科学学院(Maddox Hall),在 Dr.Charles A. Carter 博士的主导下,三位华裔教授也对学院的专业方向、招生情况进行了阐述。在招生方面,他们系现有非常多的印度学生,而且就业情况非常好,在就业市场上堪贝尔大学毕业生很受欢迎。制药与健康科学学院表达了对招收来自中国学生的积极兴趣,并介绍了中草药研究和合作项目,突显了两地在教育和科研合作上的巨大潜力。
Dr. Charles Carter介绍了制药与健康科学学院通过其跨专业的教育模式、服务学习和定制化培训方案,致力于培养学生在迅速发展的医疗保健行业中脱颖而出。学院提供多个高级学位课程,包括健康科学博士、药学博士、物理治疗博士、医师助理实践硕士、临床研究理学硕士、公共卫生理学硕士和制药科学理学硕士,以及双学位课程,旨在为学生提供全面且深入的专业知识与技能。
工程学院院长Dr.Jenna Carpenter博士亲自引导大家深入探索了Creek Makerspace和CAMEL Fab实验室,展示了堪贝尔大学工程学院的核心优势。该学院提供的是ABET认证的本科学位课程。课程覆盖了化学/制药、电气和机械工程领域,强调小班教学,确保学生能在最先进的实验室环境中享受到个性化的教学体验。学院的先进设备和创新教学方法,都反映了堪贝尔大学在工程教育方面的领先地位。
工程学院Creek Makerspace
中午时分,代表团与Dr. John Roberson共进午餐,并在Trustees Room进行了一次内容丰富的讨论,围绕七个核心问题进行了深入交流,双方都共同探讨了加强美中教育与文化交流的各种可能性,为未来的合作奠定了坚实的基础。
March 14th, Campbell University in North Carolina welcomed a delegation from NCCBA and theCAECA,following an invitation from Dr. John Roberson-the Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer. This significant return visit not only symbolizes a further deepening of educational and cultural exchanges but also highlights the mutual anticipation of future collaboration between both parties.
The NCCBA delegation included Vice President Dr. Hongzhi Ma, Dr. Daniel Cheng, and key representatives from CAECA including Founding Chairman John Wei, current Chairman Dr. Steve Niu, Vice Chairman Florience Ko, Executive Vice Chairman Lisa Huang, Directors Ren Ping and Mark Zhao. Catheterine Song, Chief Editor of Chinese Headlines New media US Station & North South Carolina Station, also participated in this itinerary.
Campbell University organized a high-level welcome delegation to express their significant regard for this visit. This team included Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Dr. John Roberson, Academic Affairs and Provost Borree P. Kwok, Founding Dean of the School of Engineering Jenna Carpenter, Dean of the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business Kevin O’Mara, Dean of Global Engagement Donna Waldron, Dean of the School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Charles A. Carter, International Program Director Guy Armstrong, Dr. Edward Fubara, Ms. Renee Green, Dr. Michael Adams, Dr. Michael Siebreck, Dr. Mark Moore, and Dr. Dwayne Wilson. Their participation underlined Campbell University’s commitment and enthusiasm for enhancing bilateral relations and expanding cooperation.
Dr. John Roberson introduced the university and led in-depth discussions in the meeting room. Both sides engaged in comprehensive discussions on educational culture cooperation and exchange, demonstrating a strong desire to strengthen collaboration and make joint progress.
Dean Kevin O’Mara of the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business warmly welcomed the associations and emphasized the importance of bilateral cooperation. He highlighted Campbell University’s unique programs, including the first undergraduate Trust and Wealth Management program in the USA and one of only 17 PGA Golf Management programs nationwide.
The delegation also visited the School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (Maddox Hall), where Dr. Charles A. Carter and three Chinese American professors elaborated on the school’s academic programs and admissions information. They expressed a keen interest in the prospects enrolling students from China and introduced research and cooperation projects on traditional Chinese medicine, showcasing the potential for educational and scientific cooperation between the two countries.
Dr. Charles Carter discussed how the School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, with its interdisciplinary educational model, service learning, and customized training programs, prepares students for success in the rapidly expanding healthcare field. The school offers several advanced degree programs, including Doctor of Health Sciences, Doctor of Pharmacy, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Master of Physician Assistant Practice, Master of Science in Clinical Research, Master of Public Health, and Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences, as well as dual degree programs.
Dean Jenna Carpenter of the School of Engineering guided the guests through the Creek Makerspace and CAMEL Fab labs, showcasing the core strengths of Campbell University’s engineering program. The program, accredited by ABET, covers chemical/pharmaceutical, electrical, and mechanical engineering disciplines, emphasizing small class sizes and personalized teaching in state-of-the-art laboratories.
During lunch, the delegation and Dr. John Roberson engaged in a rich discussion in the Trustees Room, focusing on seven key questions and exploring the possibilities for strengthening Sino-American educational and cultural exchanges, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation.
After lunch, representatives from the NCCBA and CAECA summarized the visit. They gratefully acknowledged the warm introduction and meticulous reception by the university team and commended the beautiful campus and diverse range of programs offered. They shared their visions for cooperation, expressing hope that this visit would mark the beginning of implementing specific collaborative projects.