Mr. John Wei:“己立立人,己达达人”的理念,与习主席多次提到的《礼记·大学》中“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”有一定的共通性,均强调个人修养与社会责任的关系。这种精神也与美国各大名校招生时所看重的领导力(leadership)和志愿服务(volunteering)有相似之处,体现了对个体影响力与社会贡献的重视。


Recently, Mr. John Wei, a senior leader in the Chinese-American community and the founding chairman of the Chinese-American Economic and Cultural Association (CAECA), was overjoyed to hear that his eldest grandson, JJ Wei, had scored a perfect 800 on the math section of the SAT in his first attempt.


A mathematics masters graduate from Penn State University in the 1980s, Mr. Wei immediately picked up his phone and texted his grandson:


I think you are qualified for MIT or Harvard.


However, the teenage grandson, unable to fully grasp the deep affection and pride in his nearly 80-year-old grandfathers words, bluntly replied:


No way.


It was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over his grandfathers excited thoughts.


I thought about it for a long time and truly didnt know how to respond to my grandson,Mr. Wei recalled. In the end, I simply said: It doesnt matter which college you go to, as long as it benefits the Wei family and all of humanity. I just hope you and your siblings grow up safe, healthy, and happy!’”


After calming down, Mr. Wei realized that his grandson actually had a more objective perspective on his own test score. A near-perfect SAT score certainly meets the requirements of top universities like Harvard, but SAT scores are just one of many selection criteria. Colleges place greater emphasis on a students volunteer experience, leadership abilities, and overall character.


This reflection led Mr. Wei to recall a passage from The Analects of Confucius, a required reading in Taiwans college entrance exams during his youth:


To establish oneself and help others in establishment .


To achieve ones goal and help others achieve theirs.


This quote comes from The Analects Yong Ye:




It means: A person with benevolence seeks to establish themselves while helping others do the same, and strives for success while assisting others in achieving their goals. If one can extend this mindset to all aspects of life, they can be considered truly benevolent.


Regardless of how modern society views Confucian teachings, the moral and cultural foundation built by The Analects and other Confucian classics has become deeply embedded in the Chinese ethos. Reflecting on “己立立人,己达达人,Mr. Wei found himself once again enlightened and in awe of the wisdom and broad-mindedness of his ancestors.


Isnt this precisely the methodology that American education advocates for cultivating leadership?he mused.


To progress oneself, one must unite and uplift others, and show empathy for those around them.


Mr. Wei recalled a conversation with his longtime friend, David Price, who served as a U.S. congressman for 34 years. Price once asked him:


John, youre from Taiwanhow have you managed to make so many friends from Mainland of China?


Mr. Wei replied, My friends are not just from Mainland of China. My friends come from all ethnic backgrounds. I have friends all over the world.


Revisiting the Confucian wisdom he once studied for his college entrance exams, he realized that these ancient teachings could explain the very selection process his grandson was now undergoing in American society. At that moment, he had a sudden epiphany: these principles had guided his own life as he navigated between the East and West, straddling two different societies and civilizations.


It is worth noting that JJ Wei is one of the top students at his public high school in Atlanta, which has over 600 students.


Earlier, we felt proud of America. Today, America feels proud of us!Mr. Wei reflected with deep emotion. Unable to resist, despite knowing his grandson might find him long-winded, he sent one more text message


Your wisdom will become wealthnot only for the Wei family, but for all of humanity. Grandpa.





2023/07, picture took at Eiffel tower while John & grandson JJ toured 8 Europe countries.



Grandpa John, son Addi, two grandsons JJ & Leo were boating on the backyard lake when they were young.



Grandsons JJ & Leo visited great grand mom in Taiwan on X-mas Eve of 2024.