
| 在清华园合影。前排左至右:卫佩琳、卫高荣、柯秀亭、许庆红、黄莉清、王亚华、牛志文、李勐、张伟用;后排左至右:唐敏、姚炜娇、萧美勇、江孙东、陆健、刘洋






美中经济文化协会创会董事长卫高荣先生在逐一介绍了代表团成员后坦言,我1946年在台湾出生,毕业于台湾师大数学系。1978年和妻子、小妹和妹夫四人先后考取宾州州立大学,获得奖学金到美国留学。转眼之间,已在美国近五十年。在1984年至1986年期间,曾作为IBM China 系统工程师被派往中国大陆工作,见证了中国改革开放初期的百废待兴和积极向上,中国的百姓从曾经的一无所有到今天的一无所缺,中国的发展速度就像中国的高铁速度一样快。200167日,我受清华大学公共管理学院邀请,在明理楼5532大会议室做了题为《美国主流社会——美国国会、联邦政府及地方议会、政府的管理体制及运作内幕》的专题演讲,今天再次来到清华大学倍感亲切。欢迎清华大学到北卡州访问、考察、交流,学习。另外,我们这次组团回中国访问,昨天是第一站,中央统战部副部长、侨办主任陈旭代表政府接见了代表团一行,双方友好会谈了两个多小时。陈旭主任是清华优秀校友,曾经担任过清华大学的党委书记,昨天会见我们的时候还谈到清华大学,今天访问清华大学是我们访问的第二站,备感荣幸。


美中经济文化协会董事长牛志文先生致辞说,我毕业于西安科技大学,后在加拿大取得博士学位后,在美国从事税务工作三十多年,主要研究税法,对中美的税制比较了解。第一次走进清华大学,感觉就像走进国家森林公园,在这样优美的环境下学习、工作,一定可以做出好的成绩。北卡州是一个学术氛围浓厚的地方,杜克大学、北卡大学教堂山分校、北卡州立大学都是美国知名的大学。北卡州还有一个一百多年的私立大学叫坎贝尔大学(Campbell University ),学校的常务副校长约翰·罗伯森(John Roberson)博士请我代为传达他们的合作诚意。
















English Version


Visiting the Prestigious Tsinghua University: Strengthening U.S.-China Civil Exchanges


Author: Shao Shan


On the morning of November 15, 2024, during their visit to Beijing, the U.S.-China Economic and Cultural Association (CAECA) delegation was invited to visit Tsinghua University. The delegation was warmly received at the historic and tranquil Tsinghua Garden's Serve the Peopleconference room by Xu Qinghong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, and Wang Yahua, Secretary-General of the Tsinghua University Returned Scholars Association. Both sides engaged in a forum discussing U.S.-China civil exchanges and the unique bond between Tsinghua and its alumni. The CAECA delegation included Wei Gaorong, Niu Zhiwen, Li Meng, Ke Xiuting, Xiao Meiyong, Huang Liqing, Lu Jian, Zhang Weiyong, Tang Min, Jiang Sondong, Liu Yang, Yao Weijiao, and Wei Peilin.


In his welcoming address, Wang Yahua, Secretary-General of the Tsinghua University Returned Scholars Association, extended a warm greeting to the delegation. He noted that the CAECA visit to Tsinghua and Peking University was coordinated through the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, highlighting the significance of the visit. He provided a brief history of Tsinghua University, which originated as Tsinghua College in 1911 and was renamed Tsinghua School in 1912. In 1928, it became National Tsinghua University. During the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937, Tsinghua relocated to Changsha, merging with Peking University and Nankai University to form the National Changsha Temporary University, later moving to Kunming in 1938 as National Southwestern Associated University. Over the years, the university expanded its academic disciplines, including science, humanities, medicine, and economics, and established graduate and continuing education schools. In 1999, the Central Academy of Arts and Design was incorporated, forming the Academy of Arts & Design at Tsinghua University. In 2012, the Graduate School of the People's Bank of China became the Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance. Today, Tsinghua University spans 482.84 hectares, with a total building area of 3.3887 million square meters and a library collection of 5.855 million volumes. It comprises 22 schools and 59 departments, offering 91 undergraduate programs, with 50 postdoctoral research stations and 64 first-level discipline doctoral and master's degree programs. The university has evolved into a comprehensive, research-oriented, and internationally open institution covering 12 disciplines, including science, engineering, humanities, arts, history, philosophy, economics, management, law, education, medicine, and interdisciplinary studies.


After introducing the delegation members, CAECA Founding Chairman Wei Gaorong shared his personal journey. Born in Taiwan in 1946, he graduated from the Mathematics Department of Taiwan Normal University. In 1978, he and his wife, younger sister, and brother-in-law were admitted to Penn State University on scholarships. Having lived in the United States for nearly 50 years, he recalled working as an IBM China Systems Engineer from 1984 to 1986, witnessing China's rapid transformation from scarcity to prosperity, akin to the speed of China's high-speed rail development. He reminisced about his 2001 lecture at Tsinghua University's School of Public Policy and Management on the U.S. political system, feeling a strong connection upon his return to the university. He extended an invitation to Tsinghua University for academic exchanges in North Carolina. Wei also mentioned that the delegation's visit to China started with a meeting with Chen Xu, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department and Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, who is a distinguished Tsinghua alumnus and former Party Secretary of Tsinghua University.


CAECA Chairman Niu Zhiwen, a graduate of Xi'an University of Science and Technology and a Canadian Ph.D. holder, has worked in U.S. taxation for over 30 years. He compared Tsinghua's campus to a national forest park, emphasizing that such an environment fosters academic excellence. He highlighted North Carolina's strong academic presence, mentioning renowned institutions such as Duke University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and North Carolina State University. He conveyed the collaboration interest of Campbell University, a private institution with over a century of history, as expressed by its Executive Vice President, Dr. John Roberson.


CAECA Board Member Huang Liqing, who has lived in the U.S. for over 30 years, expressed her deep honor in visiting Tsinghua University, fulfilling a youthful dream. Specializing in cultural tourism, she organizes summer camps for American students in China, with Tsinghua University being a key highlight of their visits. She praised the university's beautiful environment and the warm hospitality of Secretary Xu and Secretary-General Wang, remarking that although the weather was cold, their hearts were warm.


Zhang Weiyong, an MBA graduate of Tsinghua University's School of Economics and Management, expressed his pride in returning to his alma mater with the CAECA delegation. As CAECA's Beijing representative, he pledged to bridge CAECA and Tsinghua, facilitating U.S.-China educational and cultural exchanges. He highlighted CAECA's commitment to President Xi Jinping's initiative to invite 50,000 American youth to China, offering support in promoting Tsinghua's international recruitment efforts. He also emphasized CAECA's extensive resources in U.S. government, academia, and business sectors, offering to connect Tsinghua students with valuable opportunities in the U.S.


Lu Jian, who studied in the U.S. in 2001 and returned to China in 2017 to establish a maternal postnatal rehabilitation business, emphasized the importance of civil exchanges in fostering bilateral relations. He expressed his aspiration to facilitate investment and academic collaborations between China and the U.S., serving as a bridge between the two nations.


CAECA President Li Meng, originally from a border town in Yunnan, shared his humble beginnings and his determination to succeed despite limited educational resources. Having lived in the U.S. for 34 years, he recounted organizing visits for North Carolina university students to China, which significantly enhanced their understanding of China. He emphasized that frequent interactions between countries, like family visits, help dispel misunderstandings and strengthen friendships, leading to mutual benefits.


Other CAECA representatives, including Ke Xiuting, Tang Min, Xiao Meiyong, Jiang Sondong, and Liu Yang, also shared their experiences, their connection to Tsinghua, and their commitment to enhancing U.S.-China civil exchanges.


In his closing remarks, Xu Qinghong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, warmly welcomed the delegation and expressed gratitude for their deep affection for Tsinghua. He encouraged the delegation to take concrete actions to expand Tsinghua's influence in the U.S. and strengthen U.S.-China exchanges and cooperation. He emphasized that throughout its 113-year history, Tsinghua's development has been closely linked with the nation's progress, cultivating outstanding talents and producing significant scientific research achievements. He reiterated Tsinghuas commitment to openness and exchange, essential for becoming a world-class university.


Following the forum, the delegation took a commemorative photo in front of the historic Tsinghua Garden Gate, inscribed with an imperial plaque from the Qing Dynasty's Xianfeng Emperor. The event symbolized the enduring legacy of Tsinghua University and the hope for world peace and win-win cooperation.




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| 200167日,卫高荣先生受清华大学公共管理学院邀请做了题为《美国主流社会——美国国会、联邦政府及地方议会、政府的管理体制及运作内幕》的专题演讲




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