6月12日,美国侨领、美中经济文化商务董事长卫高荣先生、林东副会长 、和协会高级顾问葛荣朝教授,美国红豆杉国际公司总经理谢志远先生,李勇博士等一行五人前往河北商务厅参观拜访,出席当日会谈的有河北省投资招商局促进局安静局长、河北省投资促进服务中心唐伟副主任、河北商务厅投资促进一处王成礼主任、及河北省贸易局发展局贸易投资三部李娜部长等人出席本次会议洽谈。建立了初步互相访问的意向,并欢迎北卡商务企业来河北投资,同时会组织河北先进企业到北卡三角科技工业园访问。

On June 12th, Chinese American community leader Mr. John Wei, chairman of the Chinese American Economic Cultural Association, Tony Lin, vice president, and a group of five went to visit the Department of Commerce of Hebei. People attending the day of the meeting are Hebei Province Investment Promotion Bureau Director Jing An, Hebei Province Investment Promotion Service Center Deputy Director Wei Tang, Hebei Department of Commerce Investment Promotion Office Director Chengji Wang, and Hebei Province Trade Development Bureau minister Na Li. In the meeting, a preliminary intention to visit each other was established; North Carolina business enterprises would be welcome to invest in Hebei, while the Hebei advanced enterprises would be organized to visit the Triangle Tech Industrial Park, North Carolina.


After the meeting, Wenhui Wang, the Director of Shijiazhuang Tech Center, and Yingchao Cao, the Vice Director, accompanied CAECA leaders in visiting the technology center in Shijiazhuang, Hebei. A welcome dinner banquet was held. During the banquet, Mr. Wei reached agreements with director Wenhui Wang on talent training and skills exchanges between China and USA. At the same time, they hope local enterprises in both North Carolina state and Hebei Province will build long-term cooperation, with far reaching economic effects.

同天下午,美中经济文化商务协会前往石家庄曼迪恩生物科技有限公司。石家庄曼迪恩生物科技有限公司于2012年在回国留学人员李勇博士的倡导下成立,致力于营造先进的医学理念及打造先进的医学技术。该公司以相关领域的著名医学专家为依托并通过经常与国外专家交流合作,定期举行医生专题沙龙 ,成立科研小组搜集医生的临床思路进行外科医生头脑风暴:开发3D手术优化软件,研发先进微创医疗器械,并针对中国特色的尤其是民间的抗癌疗法进行提取分离纯化有效抗癌活性成分;公司还开发出了一套完整的健康理念并引进了国际最先进的健康管理模式致力于促进中国国民的健康;目前该公司拥有专利13项 承担项目课题2项,并均已获得资助,获得中国大使馆海外留学人员第十届创新大赛“春晖杯”大赛奖项2项。

In the afternoon, leaders of of the Chinese American Economic Cultural Association went to Shijiazhuang Mandin Biological Technology Co., LTD, which was founded in 2012 under the initiative of Dr. Li Yong, who is a scholar returned from studying abroad, and is dedicated to buiding advanced medical concepts and exploring advanced medical technology. With well-known medical experts in related fields and often by relying on exchanges and cooperation with foreign experts, the company regularly holds doctor thematic salons and founded a research team to collect the doctors’ clinical ideas for surgeon brainstorming, such as 3D operation optimization software development, research and development of advanced micro invasive medical devices, and according to the characteristics of Chinese medical treatment, especially folk medicine for anticancer therapy extraction separation and purification of effective anticancer active ingredients. The company has also developed a complete set of health concepts and introduced the international and most advanced health management model that is committed to promoting Chinese national health; the company currently has thirteen patents, two projects with funding, and has obtained two awards in the tenth “Springfield Cup” overseas innovation contest,which was held by the Chinese embassy.

6月13日,卫高荣先生一行兴致勃勃参观了晨光生物科技公司,在公司会议室内欢声笑语,气氛热烈。 来该公司考察的美中经济文化协会(CAECA)董事长卫高荣先生、副会长林东先生,美国红豆杉国际公司总经理谢志远先生,李勇博士,及李发堂副院长等,在参观完集团公司总部厂区和营养药用厂区之后,与集团公司董事长兼总经理卢庆国的亲切会谈。客人们介绍了自己的经历和各方面的优势,宾主双方就共同感兴趣的话题进行了探讨,共谋合作和发展。

On June 13th, Mr. John Wei and his party visited the Chenguang Biotech Group Co.,Ltd. with great interest. In the company meeting room, their discussion atmosphere was warm and pleasant. After visiting the company headquarters plant nutrition and medicinal plant, they talked cordially with Group Chairman and General Manager Qingguo Lu; the guests introduced their experiences and their advantages in various respects, the two sides on issues of common interest were discussed, cooperation was sought.


CAECA Chairman Wei, who is a well-known local Chinese-American community leader, holds numerous honorary titles and has a long-term commitment to enhancing communication between China and the United States, was interviewed by the Chinese leaders Zemin Jiang, Rongji Zhu, Jiabao Wen, Jinping Xi and the leadership of the state concerned. Qingguo Lu warmly welcomed the arrival of Chairman Wei and his delegation, and paid tribute to his long commitment to the exchanges between China and the United states. On the integration of world resources to promote the development of enterprises, Qingguo Lu said, the United States, which requires the development of health care products and medicine varieties in large quantity and of high quality and so demands a strong ability at research and development, is the main outlet for sales of their products. However, due to the United States limited recognition and trust of China’s medical products, products exported to the United States must meet a threshold that is very high, so we need to open factories in the United States, using our core technology in plant extraction and advanced equipment manufacturing, to achieve local production and sales in the US. He asked Mr. Wei and his party to seek suitable enterprises in North Carolina and to cooperate or acquire them. Lu also briefed the guests on their development planning: Quzhou Chenguang company set up a new R & D center, and at the same time, set up a research and testing center in the Beijing Mentougou district, in order to establish a good working and living platform to attract foreign educated elites.


Business owners who participated in the discussion were very interested in the U.S. market, consulted on how to enter the American market, and how to build sales networks in the United States. Mr. John Wei pointed out that the United States and other countries have very good experience which is worth learning, and the local entrepreneurs should organize group visits to abroad in order to broaden their horizons, and improve their own strengths. Mr. Wei also added that he has a very deep feelings about Hebei, so he will provide assistance to enterprises in Quzhou county.


In his spare time, Mr. Wei, and the group of five went to visit the Yongnian ancient county, Berlin Temple and Zhaozhou Bridge in Hebei. Ignoring his age, Mr. Wei reached the peak at the top of the ancient city with vigor and enthusiasm. This Hebei business trip will continuously provide opportunities for both Hebei province and North Carolina as well as stimulating business cooperation and cultural exchanges and promoting the development of economic, cultural and educational cooperation between China and America.