怀着促进和加强文化和教育交流的共同目标,带着扩大和夯实中国和北卡的友好合作成果,秉着双方互惠互利的原则,经过半年的对话和互动,“美中经文协会”(CAECA) 与”北卡大学系统国际交流中心(GGNC)的战略合作关系终于在8月16日这个喜庆的日子尘埃落定,双方在北卡大学教堂山分校签订战略合作伙伴关系协议备忘录。
With the common aim of promoting cultural and education exchange, the achievement of the cooperation between China and North Carolina State, and the principle of mutual benefit, American Chinese Economic Cultural Association (CAECA) signed the Strategic Partnership Agreement Memorandum with Go Global North Carolina (GGNC) on August 16th 2017 after the past half year.
签约仪式由GGNC Board 董事长Dr. Moise Khayrallah 見证,CAECA 董事长John Wei和GGNC Executive Director Dr. Rick Van Sant, CAECA 会长李勐和 GGNC, Associate Director Tom Martineau 四位共同签署,双方共20多位代表参加。
The signing ceremony was witnessed by Dr. Moise Khayrallah, the Chairman of GGNC Board, with 20 representatives of both sides, John Wei, the Chairman of CAECA, Dr. Rick Van Sant, the GGNC executive director, Meng Li, the president of CAECA and Tom Martineau, the GGNC associate director signed the memorandum.
The memorandum includes programs that promoting Chinese the relationship among Chinese secondary schools, universities and NC state; professional training for leaders and staffs from different industries; students’ study exchange; and so on. Thus to develop the relationship between China and NC state in various cooperations.
The memorandum signing ceremony means North Carolina made an important step to China, sending quality educational resources to China through the memorandum bridge.
仪式结束后,双方代表在位于UNC学校旁边Lisa Huang 的“上海小笼包”欢聚午宴,共同享用中国传统饮食文化。
After the signing ceremony, representatives of two sides had lunch together in the Shanghai Dumplings, enjoying the traditional Chinese food culture.
午宴结束后参观了“北京王府学校”在北卡的办公室。“北京王府学校” Beijing Royal School 是中国北京私立学校top 5 成功典范,每年派数十名教师来北卡州大NCSU,北科罗拉多州立大学,英国利兹大学交流学习。
In the afternoon leaders and friends of CAECA visit Beijing Royal Schools’ office in Chapel Hill, NC, establishing a deeper understanding of Beijing Royal School. Beijing Royal School is known as the top 5 successful model private school in Beijing. Every year, BRS sends dozens of teachers for advanced study to North Carolina State University, University of Northern Colorado, and the University of Leeds.